Category: Expert Opinion

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Bite-Sized Business Law Podcast: Jonathan Armstrong on The New York State Bar Association’s new AI Taskforce

The New York State Bar Association released a report carried out by its AI Task Force, scrutinising the legal, social and ethical implications of AI on the legal profession, along...

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Bank Info Security: Jonathan Armstrong interviewed on what UK Labour Government will mean for AI, data protection?

Jonathan Armstrong was interviewed by Anna Delaney of ISMG’s Bank Info Security. The new Labour government in the U.K. is expected to significantly shift AI and data protection compliance.  “The...

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Read More Bank Info Security: Jonathan Armstrong interviewed on what UK Labour Government will mean for AI, data protection?

infoRisk Today: Jonathan Armstrong interviewed on breaches & security governance issues

Jonathan Armstrong was interviewed by Anna Delaney of ISMG’s infoRisk Today on a range of security topics at Infosec Conference in London. Jonathan talked about the issues with GenZ in...

2 Min Read

Read More infoRisk Today: Jonathan Armstrong interviewed on breaches & security governance issues