Cookie Policy

Like many companies, Punter Southall Law (we, us and our) use technology on our website to collect information that helps us enhance your online experience, discover how you use our website and measure the effectiveness of our marketing communications.

What are cookies?

A cookie is a text file containing information which is downloaded to your desktop or laptop computer, tablet or mobile device when you visit our website. Cookies are then sent back to our website each time you visit, enabling the website to “remember” you or your device. A cookie cannot read data off your hard drive or read cookie files created by other sites.

When we refer to cookies throughout this Policy, we intend to cover all similar devices including web beacons and log files. You can find more information about cookies at All About CookiesYour Online Choices or About Cookies

The information we collect and why

Part of creating an enjoyable and lasting experience for our website visitors is to use cookies to process information in order to better understand what you want from our site. For the same reason, we may obtain information about your general internet usage by using a cookie file which is stored on your device.

Examples of the types of information we collect via cookies are:

  • How often you visit our website, the pages you visited on our website, your click-through on our website and the total time you spent on our website;
  • The website you visited before our website;
  • Whether you have visited our website before or if you are a new visitor;
    Your viewing preferences (e.g. layout, sizing preferences, language, etc.); and
  • Your IP address, browser type and operating system.

Please note: we do not collect your name or email address via cookies.

Cookies help us to improve our site and to deliver a better and more personalised service. They enable us to:

  • Estimate our audience size and usage pattern;
  • Store information about your preferences, and so allow us to customise our site according to your individual interests;
  • Speed up your searches;
  • Recognise you when you return to our site and improve your next visit; and
  • Look at customer trends: we compile information from thousands of visits and analyse it as a whole. This kind of study focuses on identifying trends among the many visitors to our site rather than analysing information about any individual visitor.

We also use cookies for system administration and to report aggregate information to our advertisers.

Social media plug-ins

We have integrated components of LinkedIn and Twitter on this website. Each individual page that you visit, where the social media plug-in is integrated, your information will be collected by, transmitted to and stored by the provider of that social media plug-in.

The information collected and transmitted includes your IP address, the address of the website the social media plug-in is located, your browser information and operating system used, and the data and time the website was accessed or activated.

How to manage cookies

We will only set cookies on your device that are not strictly necessary to allow you to use the website if you have provided consent. If you are concerned about having cookies on your device, you can use your browser settings to:

  • delete all cookies;
  • block all cookies;
  • allow all cookies;
  • block third-party cookies;
  • clear all cookies when you close the browser;
  • open a ‘private browsing’ / ‘incognito’ session, which allows you to browse the internet without storing local data;
  • notify you each time new cookies are placed on your device; and
  • install add-ons and plug-ins to extend browser functionality.

You can find out more information about controlling cookies from:

In addition, if you use Firefox or Internet Explorer 11 there is an option to turn on the Do Not Track functionality, which allows you to tell websites not to track you. Google has also published a browser add-on to allow you to choose what information about your websites you visit is sent to Google Analytics, this can be downloaded here. Full details on the cookies set by Google Analytics are published on the Google website.

Please note: if you choose to disable some or all cookies, you may not be able to access or make full use of our website and some useful features will not work.

Changes to the policy

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our use of cookies, or if you want to exercise your right to access your data and/or have any information we hold about you rectified, you can contact us. You will also find more information about how we process your information in our Privacy Policy.